Christmas Q&A with…Holly Martin

Posted 10th December 2014 by Emma in Q&A / 0 Comments

1) Tell me a little bit about you

I live in Bedfordshire, minutes away from beautiful countryside with several herds of red deer. I have had many jobs over the years, I’ve sold double glazing, I’ve worked as a hotel receptionist, in a bank and as a teacher. It all helps to give me plenty to write about in my stories

 2) What do you love about Christmas?

Everything, the cold days and snuggling up indoors with a great book, going for long wintery walks, the beautiful decorations, the christmas jumpers, seeing friends and family, buying presents, the Christmas TV and films, the great food, the sweets and treats, it is absolutely my favourite time of the year.

 3) What do you hate about Christmas?

oh nothing, i love it all. I suppose that there is a a huge build up and after one day it’s all over

4) What is your favourite Christmas book?

oh there are so many, the ones that sticks in my mind are Twelve Dates of Christmas by Lisa Dickenson which is gorgeous and funny and recently Christmas Wedding in the Gingerbread Cafe by Rebecca Raisin which is just sparkly and beautiful

 5) What is your favourite Christmas song?

oh i love so many of them, the new ones and the old. The Pogues Fairy Tale of New York, and the one for John Lewis advert last year sung by Lily Allen ‘Somewhere only we know’ but i love the big Slade Christmas sings too.

 6) What was your best Christmas?

The ones when I was a child were always good. We didn’t have alot of money but my parents always made it special. I remember helping my mom to make Christmas cake and tree decorations. It was just a magical time

 7) What was your best Christmas present?

My pet dog Bob, we had him as a puppy and he fit in my dad’s hand and he grew and grew and grew. He was such a character, he was gentle with us even though me and my brother would climb all over him. He was fiercely protective of us and would always want to sit on our laps for cuddles even though he was huge. We paid £5 for him and had him for 17 wonderful years

8) What was your worst Christmas present?

A cardigan my nan knitted for me that had 5 stripes on one side and three in the other, it had 7 buttons and only 4 button holes

 9) Describe your ideal Christmas

Just time spent with family and friends, eating good food and playing some great games

 10) What do you want for Christmas this year?

I never know what to ask for for Christmas, my friends ask and I never know. I just hope my friends and families have happy and healthy Christmases.   If I had one wish for me it would be that my book does really well. Top 100 would be amazing.

 11) Where can we find you?


Thank you to  Holly for taking part in my Q&A. Check out her Christmas Book below and my review will be up later today.

Christmas Q&A with…Holly MartinOne Hundred Christmas Proposals by Holly Martin
Also by this author: One Hundred Proposals, One Hundred Christmas Proposals, The Sentinel, Tied Up with Love
Series: 100 Proposals
Also in this series: One Hundred Proposals, One Hundred Christmas Proposals
Published by Carina on 3rd November 2014
Genres: Chicklit, Christmas, Fiction, Love & Romance, Romance
Pages: 100
Amazon KindleAudible

The eagerly anticipated follow-up to One Hundred Proposals.

If you thought Harry & Suzie’s life couldn’t get anymore sweepingly romantic than Harry asking her to marry him at the end of One Hundred Proposals – think again!

It’s Christmas in a snow-kissed London, and have vowed to carry out one hundred proposals in December. No easy task at the best of times – made even more complicated by Harry & Suzie trying to plan their first Christmas and a visit from the dreaded in-laws. But one hundred deliciously Christmassy proposals later they find themselves asking if everything is still perfect in their own relationship….

Welcome back to the divinely warm world of One Hundred Proposals – with a sprinkling of pure, joyful, festive magic.

Have yourself a very merry Christmas indeed with Holly Martin’s Christmas novella.

About Holly Martin

Holly has been writing for six years. She was shortlisted for the New Talent Award at the Festival of Romance. Her short story won the Sunlounger competition and was published in the Sunlounger anthology. She won the Carina Valentine’s competition at the Festival of Romance 2013 with her novel The Guestbook. She was shortlisted for Best Romantic Read, Best eBook and Innovation in Romantic Fiction at the Festival of Romance 2014. Holly lives in Bedfordshire.

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