January 2021 Wrap Up & BOTM

Posted 31st January 2021 by Emma in Wrap Up / 1 Comment

January 2021 Wrap Up & BOTM

How are we at the end of January already? Now I haven’t done a monthly wrap up post since like 2018 so bare with here!

I’ve read 12 books already this year which is pretty crazy but then I’m still in lockdown so there’s not much else to do except maybe binge Bridgeton again! (Yes I got on the hype and yes it’s so worth it!)

Book of the Month

I’m going to start a new thing here. It might stick or I might drop it. We will see. So what you ask is my book of the month from January? Well I read this book in 2020 but it is the perfect escapism and it’s currently only 0.99 or free on Kindle Unlimited! Yes, it’s Connectivity 2.0!

This book is super cute and full of laughter. It’s exactly what we need right now. You can get book one, Connectivity, for only .99 too(or free on KU)! So grab yourself a bargain and get two books for less than a cup of coffee!

January Reviews

  1. [9 Jan] Their Frozen Graves by Ruhi Choudhary ★★★★
  2. [11 Jan] The Little Grave by Carolyn Arnold ★★★★
  3. [13 Jan] The Woman Inside by Anna-Lou Weatherley ★★★★★
  4. [14 Jan] Did My Love Life Shrink in the Wash? by Kristen Bailey ★★★★★
  5. [18 Jan] Perfect Little Dolls by Karen Long ★★★★
  6. [20 Jan] The Other Mothers by M.M. Chouinard ★★★★★
  7. [25 Jan] Connectivity 2.0 by Aven Ellis ★★★★★
  8. [26 Jan] Shadow Falls by Wendy Dranfield ★★★★★
  9. [27 Jan] Fable by Adrienne Young ★★★★
  10. [29 Jan] Before She Wakes by Ed James ★★★★★

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