Happy Hump day!!!!!
Last week I had the pleasure of running the Mortiswood Evil Rising Tour for Gina Dickerson.
Below is a round up of all the posts we had. I want to say a big thank you to everyone involved it was a great tour.
Girl with A Good Book and her Dog

Also by this author: Kaelia Awakening, Underleaf, The Pennington Christmas Curse, Kaelia Falling
Series: Mortiswood Tales #3
Also in this series: Kaelia Awakening, Kaelia Falling, Evil Rising
Published by RoseWolf Books / Authors Reach on 23rd March 2018
Genres: Paranormal, YA Fantasy
Amazon Kindle, Audible
The problem with secrets is they don’t always remain secret, no matter how long they’ve been buried.
The dark side of magic beckons to Kaelia. It whispers in her ear, seducing her with the promise of yet more power. Having discovered the truth behind the goddess Hel’s connection to Bran the necromancer, Kaelia is finding it increasingly difficult to tell who is on her side and who is against her.
Drawn into an age-long battle, she must fight to protect not only those she loves, but also the humans that her enemies, The Salloki, would devour. Confronting an evil never seen before outside the realms of myth and magic, Kaelia is torn. Should she join with Bran? Is he really as trustworthy as he says?
But trust cuts both ways as Bran too discovers, unearthing both secrets and lies about his true identity. There is also someone he wants to protect above all, even if that price is unleashing upon Mortiswood the fearsome Vanagandr.
As secrets, lies, magic, and emotions weave their tangled web, who will lose their hearts and who will lose their lives?
Sometimes the line between good and evil is so blurred it fails to exist…
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