Blog Tour Review: Did My Love Life Shrink in the Wash?

Posted 14th January 2021 by Emma in Blog Tours, Reviews / 1 Comment

Blog Tour Review: Did My Love Life Shrink in the Wash?

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Blog Tour Review: Did My Love Life Shrink in the Wash?Did My Love Life Shrink in the Wash? by Kristen Bailey
Also by this author: Has Anyone Seen My Sex Life?, Can I Give My Husband Back?, How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart?, Am I Allergic to Men?
Series: The Callaghan Sisters #3
Also in this series: Has Anyone Seen My Sex Life?, Can I Give My Husband Back?, How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart?, Am I Allergic to Men?
Published by Bookouture on 11th January 2021
Genres: Chicklit, Contemporary, Humour, Love & Romance
Pages: 308
Format: eARC
Source: from Netgalley
Amazon Kindle

It’s normal to wish that your baby came with a snooze button, right?
When I got pregnant, Will and I didn’t have a clue what we were signing up for. It turns out that there’s loads we weren’t warned about:
1) In the middle of the night you’ll be begging Siri for advice on getting your baby to sleep. (In case you’re wondering, whale music doesn’t work.)2) If you make the mistake of going to a nightclub you’ll nod off, drool, and be woken up by an angry bouncer.3) You’ll spend more time spooning your child’s cuddly donkey than your own boyfriend.4) Communication with your other half will be via post-it notes on the fridge, mainly telling him to buy more milk.5) Sex is something that happened in another dimension.
But even if I feel like I’m waiting for my motherhood powers to come in the post, at least I’ve got Will. Our old life – festivals, sambuca shots, an actual sex life – might be a distant memory, but we can get through anything together, can’t we?
At least that’s what I thought until, one day, Will walked out on us… If I’m on my own (apart from Siri, obviously) can I do this whole parenting thing? Or I am destined to lose my sanity one sleepless night at a time?

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Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour and for my copy of this book via Netgalley. I read 2 books by Kristen last year and I absolutely loved them! I have been so excited to read this book! This is the third book about the Callaghan sisters but they can all be read as standalones. The books overlap little bit timewise but each is from a different sister’s POV.

This book is about Beth. I found Beth so easy to identify with. She has a love of carbs and chocolate and hates exercise, a girl after my own heart really! Although she has a lot more patience than me. I’m not sure I would have forgiven Will for walking out. I definitely would have been there with the sisters ready to punch him in the face or chop off his balls!

This book is funny, like seriously laugh out loud funny. It’s not just a story about Beth and Will. It’s a story about unlikely friends and dealing with the hard stuff in life. It’s about learning to talk to each other and be honest about how you are feeling.

I loved this book and I CANNOT wait to read more Callaghan sister books!

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About Kristen Bailey

Mother-of-four, gin-drinker, binge-watcher, receipt hoarder, enthusiastic but terrible cook. Kristen also writes. She has had short fiction published in several publications including Mslexia & Riptide. Her first two novels, Souper Mum and Second Helpings were published in 2016. In 2019, she was long listed in the Comedy Women in Print Prize and has since joined the Bookouture family. She hopes her novels have fresh and funny things to say about modern life, love and family.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

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