February and March Wrap Up

Posted 1st April 2018 by Emma in Challenges, Meme / 0 Comments

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!! So February and March were very busy here at Star Crossed Reviews!!!!! So I didn’t get around to a February Wrap up. Today I am giving you a double whammy with a February and March Wrap up post.




So I read a whopping 8 books towards my Goodreads Challenge

  1. The Little Cottage on the Hill by Emma Davies
  2. The Last Laugh by Tracy Bloom
  3. Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster
  4. The Reunion by Samantha Hayes
  5. The Lying Kind (name now changed to Lola’s Missing) by Alison James
  6. Black Heart by Anna-Lou Weatherley
  7. Little Liar by Clare Boyd
  8. Random Acts of Kindness – Part 1: Promises by Victoria Walters

Around the World

Unfortunately I didn’t read a book for my around the world this challenge in Feb but I plan to catch up later in the year.


The Keywords for February were Pink, Snow, Heart, Arrow, Point, Right, Holiday, Walk, And.

I chose to read Black Heart by Anna-Lou Weatherley.


Again I did’t manage any books for my backlist challenge.


I added 7 books to my Netgalley reading challenge…

  1. The Little Cottage on the Hill by Emma Davies
  2. The Last Laugh by Tracy Bloom
  3. The Reunion by Samantha Hayes
  4. The Lying Kind (name now changed to Lola’s Missing) by Alison James
  5. Black Heart by Anna-Lou Weatherley
  6. Little Liar by Clare Boyd
  7. Random Acts of Kindness – Part 1: Promises by Victoria Walters

Blog Tours

  1. [1 Feb] Little Liar by Clare Boyd ★★★★
  2. [4 Feb] Black Heart by Anna-Lou Weatherley ★★★★
  3. [7 Feb] The Lying Kind by Alison James ★★★★★
  4. [11 Feb] The Reunion by Samantha Hayes ★★★★
  5. [19 Feb] Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  6. [20 Feb] Blog Tour: Nature of the Witch
  7. [21 Feb] The Little Cottage on the Hill by Emma Davies ★★★★
  8. [22 Feb] Reality Blurred by Aven Ellis ★★★★★
  9. [23 Feb] The Last Laugh by Tracy Bloom ★★★★

Book News

  1. [2 Feb] Book News: The Things We Need To Say Cover & Chapter Reveal
  2. [14 Feb] Book News: Reality Blurred Release Day
  3. [16 Feb] Book News: A Falling Friend & A Forsaken Friend Cover Reveal
  4. [20 Feb] Blog Tour: Nature of the Witch
  5. [22 Feb] Book News: Marrying Mr Valentine Release Day

Friday In Focus

  1. [2 Feb] Friday In Focus with Karen Ankers


  1. [1 Feb] Little Liar by Clare Boyd ★★★★
  2. [4 Feb] Black Heart by Anna-Lou Weatherley ★★★★
  3. [7 Feb] The Lying Kind by Alison James ★★★★★
  4. [11 Feb] The Reunion by Samantha Hayes ★★★★
  5. [19 Feb] Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  6. [21 Feb] The Little Cottage on the Hill by Emma Davies ★★★★
  7. [22 Feb] Reality Blurred by Aven Ellis ★★★★★
  8. [23 Feb] The Last Laugh by Tracy Bloom ★★★★




So I was pretty impressed with myself in February but in March I read 10 books!

  1.  The Pact by SE Lynes
  2. Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge
  3. Cold Heart by Stephen Edger
  4. Your Move by Silvia Forrester
  5. The Summer of Secrets by Tilly Tennant
  6. The Start of Something Wonderful by Jane Lambert
  7. Dark Lies by Nick Hollin
  8. Annie’s Summer by the Sea by Liz Eeles
  9. Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson
  10. Mortiswood Evil Rising by Gina Dickerson (review coming tomorrow)

Around the World

This month I decided to take a trip to Greece with Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge


The keywords for March were Green, Luck, Great, Shout, Hope, Wrong, Rope, Carry and into.

Unfortuantely I didnt read anything that had these words. I’m planing to have a look through my TBR pile to find something that fits in the next month or so to catch up.

The keywords for April are Clear, Rain, Lilly, Basket, Out, Gather, Valley, All and Cross.


Only one book for the backlist this month  Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge


So another 8 books on the Netgalley challenge this brings me up to 20. We are only 3 months in and I’m already 40% through this challenge. I can see the improvement in my percentage too.

  1. The Pact by SE Lynes
  2. Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge
  3. Cold Heart by Stephen Edger
  4. The Summer of Secrets by Tilly Tennant
  5. The Start of Something Wonderful by Jane Lambert
  6. Dark Lies by Nick Hollin
  7. Annie’s Summer by the Sea by Liz Eeles
  8. Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson

Blog Tours

  1. [2 Mar] Blog Tour: Summer In San Remo
  2. [3 Mar] The Pact by S.E. Lynes ★★★★
  3. [8 Mar] Blog Tour: The Deal
  4. [12 Mar] Cold Heart by Stephen Edger ★★★★★
  5. [13 Mar] Your Move by Silvia Forrester ★★★★
  6. [14 Mar] The Summer of Secrets by Tilly Tennant ★★★★
  7. [19 Mar] Blog Tour: Sunshine and Secrets
  8. [21 Mar] The Undercover Mother by Emma Robinson ★★★★
  9. [21 Mar] Brett by Melissa Foster ★★★★★
  10. [22 Mar] Blog Tour: Mum’s Just Wanna Have Fun
  11. [23 Mar] The Start of Something Wonderful by Jane Lambert ★★★
  12. [26 Mar] Dark Lies by Nick Hollin ★★★★★
  13. [27 Mar] Annie's Summer by the Sea by Liz Eeles ★★★★
  14. [29 Mar] Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson ★★★★

Book News

  1. [1 Mar] Book News: At the End of the Summer Cover Reveal
  2. [1 Mar] Book News: Pretty Little Things Cover Reveal
  3. [1 Mar] Book News: Sunshine and Sweet Peas Cover Reveal
  4. [2 Mar] Blog Tour: Summer In San Remo
  5. [8 Mar] Blog Tour: The Deal
  6. [14 Mar] Book News: Spring at The Little Duck Pond Café
  7. [19 Mar] Blog Tour: Sunshine and Secrets
  8. [23 Mar] Book News: Mortiswood Evil Rising Release Day

Friday In Focus

  1. [9 Mar] Friday in Focus with….Smita Bhattacharya
  2. [16 Mar] Friday in Focus with Kathy Sharp
  3. [30 Mar] Friday in Focus with Jackie Baldwin


  1. [3 Mar] The Pact by S.E. Lynes ★★★★
  2. [5 Mar] Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge ★★★★
  3. [12 Mar] Cold Heart by Stephen Edger ★★★★★
  4. [13 Mar] Your Move by Silvia Forrester ★★★★
  5. [14 Mar] The Summer of Secrets by Tilly Tennant ★★★★
  6. [21 Mar] The Undercover Mother by Emma Robinson ★★★★
  7. [21 Mar] Brett by Melissa Foster ★★★★★
  8. [23 Mar] The Start of Something Wonderful by Jane Lambert ★★★
  9. [26 Mar] Dark Lies by Nick Hollin ★★★★★
  10. [27 Mar] Annie's Summer by the Sea by Liz Eeles ★★★★
  11. [29 Mar] Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson ★★★★
  12. [31 Mar] Random Acts of Kindness - Part 1: Promises by Victoria Walters ★★★★★

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